Abdominal Pain
Page 8
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Gas in the bowel wall (pneumatosis intestinalis) is demonstrated on the left upper quadrant. Gas in the portal venous system can also be seen in the liver shadow on the right upper quadrant.
NEC. Gas in the bowel wall (pneumatosis intestinalis) is demonstrated on the left upper quadrant. Gas in the portal venous system can also be seen in the liver shadow on the right upper quadrant. (arrow on left x-ray)

NEC with perforation. Free air in the abdominal cavity is demonstrated on the plain supine film of abdomen (football sign)

NEC with perforation. Free air in the abdominal cavity is demonstrated under both dome of diaphragm on the plain upright abdominal x-ray

Meconium ileus. Typical of the operative findings ; thick-walled muscular hypertrophy of the mid ileum (right upper corner) and narrow distal ileum (left lower corner) containing pellets of inspissated meconium, is demonstrated.

Leiomyoma of the intestine. Gross pathology of a segment of ileum demonstrates intramural mass with invasion of mucosa caused bleeding
Segmental dilatation intestine

Gastric volvulus. An upper gastrointestinal study demonstrates the malposition of stomach, the esophago-gastric junction is situated below the body which curved upward and anteriorly.
Gastric volvulus. An upper gastrointestinal study demonstrates the malposition of stomach, the esophago-gastric junction is situated below the body which curved upward and anteriorly.
Gastric volvulus. Diagramatic demonstration of typical finding in upper GI study.

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