Abdominal Pain
Page 4
Operative finding of intestinal atresia type I, intestinal intraluminal web. Disproportion of connected segment of jejunum is noted and indicated atresia type I
Operative finding of intestinal atresia type I, intestinal intraluminal web. Disproportion of connected segment of jejunum is noted and indicated atresia type I, the proximal portion is markedly dilated and distended but the distal loop is very small

Operative finding of intestinal atresia type III, small mesenteric defect is noted at the atretic site between the disproportioned segment

Operative finding of intestinal atresia type III, moderate mesenteric defect is noted at the atretic site between the disproportioned segment.

Operative finding of intestinal atresia type IV, marked mesenteric defect is noted. The distal part of intestine with mesenteric defect curls around the feeding vessels - christmas tree or apple peel appearance.

Operative finding of intestinal atresia type IV, marked mesenteric defect is noted. The distal part of intestine with mesenteric defect curls around the feeding vessels - christmas tree or apple peel appearance.
Multiple jejunal atresia. At surgeyr, jejunal atresia with dilated proximal pouch and varied length of small distal segments sausage-like are found. These segments connect to each other with cord-like (atretic part)-intestinal atresia type II.

Multiple jejunal atresia. A twisted calcified segment is found which may due to intrauterine volvulus caused atresia. Multiple "sausage-like" segments of jejunal atresia
Ileal stenosis. A small short segment of stenotic ileum is observed
Gross pathological finding of ileal stenosis

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