Abdominal Pain
Page 3
Duodenal atresia, diagram shows the corrective procedure - diamond shaped duodeno-duodenostomy
High jejunal atresia, tripple bubble sign on plain X-ray

High jejunal atresia, tripple bubble sign on plain X-ray

High jejunal atresia, tripple bubble sign on plain X-ray with multiple air fluid level

Jejunal atresia, plain X-ray finding of multiple dilated small bowel loops with air fluid level indicated distal bowel obstruction

Ileal atresia, plain X-ray finding of multiple small bowel loops with step-ladder pattern of air-fluid level.
Colonic atresia, plain X-ray finding A very large loop of bowel which is the distal part of the atretic segment ( ascending colon) is demonstrated.

Colonic atresia, plain X-ray finding of upright position.
Rectal atresia with pyloric atresia, barium enema demonstrated the rectum with its proximal blind pouch.
Operative finding of intestinal atresia type I, intestinal intraluminal web. Disproportion of connected segment of jejunum is noted and indicated atresia type I

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