Respiratory Problem
Page 6
Chest X-ray of a "hydrops fetalis" baby soon after birth. The baby was prenatally diagnosed of bilateral chylothorax. Haziness were noted over both lung fields.
Immediate aspiration and intercostal drainage of both pleural spaces revealed milky fluid

Three days after intercostal drainage of bilateral chylothorax. Both lungs expanded well. Generalized edema was still noted from the film.

Ten days after intercostal drainage of bilateral chylothorax. The baby could breathe without any assistant. Both lungs expanded well and less edema was noted.

Sternal cleft

Side view of a baby "Pierre-Robin syndrome". Micrognathia was markedly observed.
Clinical finding of a child with pectus excurvatum

Lateral chest X-ray in Pectus excurvatum
During the operation, the deformed costal cartilage was removed
Immediate postoperation, the sternum was elevated and fixed after the deformed costal cartilages were removed

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