Respiratory Problem
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Diagram showed the herniation of bowels into the left. thoracic cavity in Diaphragmatic hernia
An autopsy finding demonstrated the bowel herniation into the left thoracic cavity in Diaphragmatic hernia

An autopsy finding demonstrated the bowel herniation into the left thoracic cavity in Diaphragmatic hernia

Scaphoid abdomen, one of the clinical finding in a newborn with diaphragmatic hernia

Resuscitation with mask and bag worsen the condition of the bady born with diaphragmatic hernia

Resuscitation by endotroclual intubation avoids the gas distending the stomach and bowels in the thoracic cavity that worsen the patient's condition
Formation of the diaphragm in the embryo, septum transversum forms the major part of diaphragm

Defect during formation of the diaphragm leads to various type of diaphragmatic defect and hernia. Posterolateral pleuroparietal defect is the most common type so called hernia of Bochdalek
Prenatal ultrasonography demonstrated the bowel pattern in the fetus chest cavity , diaphragmatic hernia is suspected
Typical radiographic finding in diaphragmatic hernia. The bowel gas pattern is noted in the left (common side) thoracic cavity and the mediastimum is shifted to the opposite site.

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