Respiratory Problem
Page 3
Operative finding in left bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia. A defect at posterolateral part of diaphragm is demonstrated.
A diaphragmatic hernial sac is demonstrated. This sac is not common in case of Bochdalek hernia but can prevent the herniated bowel to occupy the whole thoracic cavity

Anterior diaphragmatic defect or Hernia of Morgagni is demonstrated

Anterior diaphragmatic defect or Hernia of Morgagni is demonstrated

Elevation of the right dome of diaphragm is noted in the chest X-ray due to eventration of the diaphragm. this condition must be differentiated from the diaphragmatic hernia with sac.

The elevation of hemidiaphragm that is more than 2 vertebral disc space must be called for attention. Eventration of the diaphragm is the most likely diagnosis.
The elevation of hemidiaphragm that is more tham 2 vertebral disc space must be called for attention. Eventration of the diaphragm is the most likely diagrosis.

Chest X-ray with bronchogram confirmed that the right lung was displaced upward in a child wilh hazines of the right lung area. This child was proved to have eventration of the diaphragm.
Operative finding in eventration of diaphragm, the dome is markedly elevated, with normal lung
Plication of the affected diaphragmatic eventration is the treatment of choice

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