Groin (Inguinal Region)
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Hydrocele of the spermatic cord presented with abnormal mass above the normal testis - "the third testicle"
Right indirect inguinal hernia in a girl, the hernia extends into the labia majora

Left indirect inguinal hernia in a girl presented with left groin mass

Operative finding in a baby with right groin mass. There is an incarcerated hernia on the right. The arrow points at the ischemic area of the herniated bowel

Bilateral femoral hernia , the groin masses are noted below the inguinal ligament

Plain abdominal X-ray revealed signs of small bowel obstruction together with abnormal gas in left groin area in obstructed inguinal hernia
Varicocele - black worm appearance of the mass in the scrotal sac

At operation, the varicose veins of the pampiniform plexus are partially removed and high ligation of the testicular vein is performed
Inflammation of inginal lymph nodes
Swelling and inflammation of the scrotum in a baby with torsion of the testis

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