Groin (Inguinal Region)
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Left groin mass - indirect inguinal hernia extends down to above the testis
Masses demonstrated at both sides of external ring. Umbilical hernia is also noted

Indirect inguinal hernia extends down into the scrotal sac

Indirect inguinal hernia extends down into the scrotal sac

Bilateral vaginal hydrocele

Positive transillumination test - confirm the cystic appearance of hydrocele

Hydrocele of the spermatic cord presented with abnormal mass above the normal testis - "the third testicle"
Hydrocele of the cord

Bilateral hydroceles with underlying ascites
Retractile left testis presented with groin mass and empty scrotal sac
Retractile testis - the testis can be pulled down to the empty scrotal sac with ease but retracts up afterwards

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