Esophageal Abnormalities
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An X-ray finding in a baby with "triple atresia" : esophageal atresia, duodenal atresia and anorectal malformation. The nasogastric tube is coiled in the upper pouch. The typical distended stomach and upper duodenum indicated duodenal atresia is also noted
Coloboma, one of the multiple anomalies in CHARGE association. In such syndrome, esophageal atresia should be specifically sought.

Chest X-ray showed atelectasis of the right upper lobe, this is the most common complication due to aspiration

Chest X-ray revealed dilated blind proximal esophageal pouch and atelectasis of the right middle lobe

Anteroposteior film shows the coiled catheter in the blind upper pouch of esophagus. The air in stomach indicates that a distal tracheoesophageal fistula exists.

Lateral film shows the catheter in the blind upper pouch of esophagus. No air in the stomach indicates that there is no distal fistula
Plain lateral film reveals the coiled catheter in the esophagus. Contrast study proves that it is a blind pouch.

Blind proximal esophageal pouch is demonstrated by contrast study (Lateral film)
Blind proximal esophageal pouch is demonstrated by contrast study (Anteroposterior view)
Blind proximal esophageal pouch is demonstrated by contrast study. Air in the stomach indicates the existence of distal fistula

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