Esophageal Abnormalities
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The autopsy finding of the commonest type of esophageal atesia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula. The upper esophagus ends blindly and the distal esophagus opens at the posterior part of trachea with a 1-2 cm. gap between both ends.
Various types of esophageal atresia with or without tracheoesophageal fistula

The newborn infant with esophageal atresia early presents with excessive salivation or mucusy and requires repeated suctioning

Regurgitation of saliva or milk through the mouth or even the nose is frequently observed in a baby born with TE fistula

Limb abnormalities particularly affecting the arm, radial aplasia is noted

Clinical finding of abnormal arm in a baby with esophageal atresia and radial aplasia. Short arm with internal rotation and pronation of hand are noted.
Radial a plasia can be clinically diagnosed. Absence of thumb together with short arm and internal rotation, viewed from dorsal side

Radial a plasia can be clinically diagnosed. Absence of thumb togetherwith short arm and internal rotation, viewed from ventral side
Radial dysplasia. Small deformed thumb is noted
"Crab hand", the other asscisted anormaly affecting the upper lumb in a baby with esophageal atresia

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