Urinary Problem
Page 3
Second stage reconstruction of exstrophied bladder with vaginal construction using sigmoid colon and rectal pull-through are done to correct imperforate anus at the same time
Diagram shows vaginal construction using sigmoid colon

Colon is used to construct the vagina

Appearance after vaginal construction and pull-through operation

Plain X-ray showed wide separation of the pubic rami and symphysis (left lower ureteric stone is also noted)

Plain X-ray showed wide separation of the pubic rami and symphysis (left lower ureteric stone is also noted) Õ
Micropenis. This normal genetic male (XY) has a tiny, underdeveloped penis with hypospadias

Ambiguous sex. This baby presents with severe hypospadias, small penis and unilateral testis
Adrenogenital syndrome. Female pseudohermaphrodism results from adrenocortical hyperplasia presents with enlarged clitoris and labioscrotal fusion
Cloacal anomaly. There is only one opening for the urethra, vagina and rectovaginal fistula.

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