Urinary Problem
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Small extrophy of the bladder. The urinary bladder lies open at the anterior abdominal wall and the mucosa exposes. No prolapse of the bladder is demonstrated due to small defect. Epispadias is also seen.
Exstrophy of the bladder. Prolapse of the bladder mucosa and bilateral undescended testes are noted.

Exstrophy of the bladder with epispadias and bilateral undescended testes.

Exstrophy of the bladder and associated small omphalocele

Exstrophy of the bladder. Metaplasia of the exposed mucosa is noted

Early reconstruction of the exstrophied bladder without epispadias repair
Reconstruction of the exstrophied bladder in female

Plain x-ray in exstrophy of the bladder demonstrates separation of the pubic symphysis (left) which was approximated by wiring together during reconstruction (right)
Complete reconstruction of exstrophied bladder-bladder turn-in, approximation of the pubic rami primary, closure of abdominal wall, epispadias repair with urethral construction, cystostomy diversion and bilateral orchiopexy
Cloacal exstrophy due to failrue of hind gut development. Prolapsed mucosa of hemibladder is demonstrated with the exposed prolapsed mucosa of terminal ileum in-between. Imperforate anus and meconium passed through the open ileum are also noted.

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