Abdominal Mass
Plain X-ray revealed rim calcification of the Wilms' tumor (arrow)
Close-up picture of a plain X-ray of Wilms' tumor showed typical rim calcification (arrow)

Intravenous pyelography (IVP) showed distorsion of pelvicalyceal system in left kidney - Wilms' tumor

Intravenous pyelography (IVP) showed masses in the pelvicalyceal system, Wilms' tumor is the most likely diagnosis

Wilms' tumor, IVP showed non functioned left kidney

Wilms' tumor, CT scan, showed a huge tumor mass with necrotic tissue in the mass.
Wilms' tumor, CT scan

Wilms' tumor associated with Beckwith-Wedemann syndrome
Gross pathology of Wilm's tumor, nephrectomized specimen
Cut surface of specimen, Wilms' tumor at the upper pole displaced the rest of normal kidney tissue downward and outward