Abdominal Wall defect
The artificial sac is reduced step by step
The artificial sac, silo type, is gradually reduced by tying over and over until the intraabdominal contents are pushed back into the peritoneal cavity

The artificial sac is removed and the secondary closure proceeds, note the small round defect left after total reduction

The artificial sac of prolene mesh, is reduced by suturing over the sac

The sac is gradually reduced by placing the suture line below the previous one

The artificial sac, using nylon fabrics, is reduced by tongue blade
The tongue blade at the top of the sac is hung up to prevent kinking of the herniated bowels

The artificial sac is rolled over the tongue blade to reduce the intra-abdominal contents back into the peritoneal cavity

Silver sulfadiazine, one of the useful antiseptic cream, is applied over the sac to prevent infection.

In about 7 days, the sac is completely reduced and all the intra-abdominal contents are push back into the peritoneal cavity