Foreign Body
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An opaque material is noted at the right main bronchus on an A-P chest film, the most common location of foreign body in the airway
Lateral film of an opaque foreign body in the right main bronchus

A small pin is easily notified in the right lung field. This foreign body is suspected to lodge in the right lower lobe bronchus.

A tiny opague foreign body is demonstrated (arrow) in the right lower lobe bronchus. This may be easily missed.

A small opaque foreign body is demonstrated in the subglottic area (lateral film)

Right upper lobe atelectasis is noted from the chest PA film. Foreign body obstructed the right upper lobe bronchus is suspected
Chest X-ray revealed the radiolucent finding of the right lung. Foreign body (non-radiopaque type) obstructed the right main bronchus with ball-valve pattern caused emphysema was suspected. Mediastinal shifting to the left side (contralateral side) was also noted

Foreign body must be ruled out in the child with recurrent pneumonia
Chest X-ray revealed the haziness of the left lung. Foreign body (non-radiopague type ) completely blocked the left main bronchus caused atelectasis was suspected. Mediastinal slifting to the left side (ipsilateral side) was also noted
Chest trust - an emergency procedure for resuscitating a small clild with acute upper airway obstruction

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