Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Page 2
Double contrast contrast study (barium enema) showed a large polyp at descending colon
Gross finding of multiple pedunculated polyps in colon

Contrast study showed polyp in the duodenum

Contrast study showed multiple polyps in the entire colon - polyposis coli

Gross pathology of polyposis coli - multiple polyps of various size are noted along the entire colon

SGross pathology of polyposis coli - multiple polyps of various size are noted along the entire colon
Lip discoloration in a girl with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, a syndrome with harmatomatous polyp in small bowel that can caused bleeding in the GI tract

Lip discoloration in a girl with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, a syndrome with harmatomatous polyp in small bowel that can caused bleeding in the GI tract
Lip discoloration in a mother and her daughter, both diagnosed as having Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Gross pathology of jejunal polyp in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

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