Anorectal Malformation
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Approaches to anorectal malformation
Imperforate anus, anorectal malformation without external fistula in a boy
Anal agenesis without fistula in a girl, note the "bucket handle" appearance at the perineum

Low type anorectal malformation without fistula in a boy, note the "bucket handle" appearance at perineum

Low type anomaly with anocutaneous fistula in a boy, meconium pearl collected along the fistula tract is noted

" Anterior anus " , low type anomaly with anocutaneous fistula in a girl
Anorectal atresia with rectovestibular fistula

Anal atresia with anovulvar fistula
Anorectal agenesis with rectovaginal fistula
" Rectal atresia, contrast study outlines the distal part and air outlines the proximal part.

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