Approaches to Twins classification.
Diagram of thoracopagus twins
Thoracopagus Twins
In this thoracopagus twins, the thorax is joining from the manubrium to the xiphoid and uppar abdomen, a common umbilicus is noted
In this thoracopagus twins, the thorax is joining from the manubrium to the xiphoid and uppar abdomen, a common umbilicus is noted
Humanogram showed separation heart shadow and fusion of sternum. A soft tissue shadow joining the upper abdomen indicated the fusion liver
Thoracopagus twins with omphalocle
Humanogram revealed the joining of lower thorax and upper abdomen in this thoracopagus twins
Diagram of Ischiopagus tetrapus, the axis of both twins are in the same plane
Ischiopagus tetrapus,"day & night - twins", who were sucessfully separated 16 years ago at Chulalongkorn University Hospital
Diagram of Ischiopagus tripus