Mixed type hemangioma, strawberry type and cavernous type, in the neck
Cervical cystic hygroma

Cystic hygroma at neck and lower face

Cystic hygroma at the floor of mouth

Mixed cystic hygroma and hemangioma involving the neck area, floor of the mouth and the tongue

Large cystic hygroma involving the anterior neck and the floor of the mouth caused airway obstruction
Hyperextension of neck in large cystic hygroma at neck to compensate upper airway obstruction

Large cystic hygroma involving the lower part of the right neck
X-ray of a case with large cystic hygroma involving the lower part of the right neck and extending down into the right chest
Clinical finding of large cystic hygroma involving lower part of right side of neck with an extension into the right chest cavity (same patient with previous X-ray showed)