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ASTAware SearchKey PRO uses Boolean operators such as AND, OR, NOT. Boolean operators are used to specify the logical relationship between two or more keywords. They allow you to broaden or narrow your search.
  • AND narrows your search to only records containing both terms.
  • OR broadens your search to records containing either or both terms.
  • NOT restricts your search to the first item.
You can also type in as many searchable terms in a search query. ASTAware SearchKey PRO automatically puts Boolean operator AND between searchable terms and no quotation marks are necessary.

Pull down menu allows you to search for information in "Name of your option" only

Format sets the search results style between different types of templates.
  • Raw searches provide you with a brief sample of the document’s content, frequency, count and title.
  • Simple searches will provide you with a list of documents and the relevance ranking of each document through frequency statistics.
  • Expanded searches provide you with a brief sample of the document’s content as well as the information found with a simple search.
Clear button resets the search form to default setting


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